At my practice, liposuction and tummy tucks often go hand in hand. While I admit this is a personal preference I’ve developed over years of surgical experience, I believe that more patients need to be made aware of the benefits of combining these two procedures.*
Combined Results
The first reason for combining lipo with a tummy tuck is that you’re more likely to get superior results.* The two procedures are very complementary, yet each accomplishes a different goal. A tummy tuck tightens the underlying musculature of the belly and then removes excess skin and tissue. Liposuction can then be utilized for the fine-tuning that isn’t possible with just a tummy tuck.*
Smoother Lines
Although I have pioneered a new type of tummy tuck that incorporates liposuction (the C.L.A.S.S. tummy tuck), not all Denver plastic surgery practices offer this choice. While your results really depend on the skill level of your surgeon, I find that including liposuction along with a tummy tuck delivers a smoother end result with an improved abdominal profile.*
Lower Body Makeover
Finally, liposuction during a tummy tuck doesn’t have to mean just around the abdomen. Including liposuction in the outer thighs, inner thighs and inner knees at the same time as a tummy tuck can slim down your entire lower body area.*
Although combining a tummy tuck with liposuction comes down to an individual choice, it’s definitely my preference and one I recommend to my patients.
*This information is for education only, and is not meant as a guarantee of results. Your results may vary.